Monday, April 6, 2020

Mission 2: The Tower ~ part II

Hwyll and his companions have cleared the lower levels of the Tower of Tor Varden. They have taken time to tend to their wounds & now they prepare to ascend the darkened stairs to the very top of the tower to meet the evil that awaits.
Mission 2 ~ The Beacon Tower
Scenario 3 ~ The Top Level
Stepping through a trapdoor surrounded by a dragon-mist conjured by the arcane arts of Osimund, Hwyll catches a brief glimpse of a large beacon pyre atop of which is chained a captive. A ghostly presence is sensed more than seen and orcs stand guard on the cold, dark citadel.

The party has not changed from the previous game, lead by the ranger: Hwyll ~ the Autumn Elf, Osimund the conjurer, Mouni the northern tracker, Vlaka the rogue, the valiant guardsman Malaka, and Gawne the young archer. Hrolf the hound was injured too badly to take part in this scenario so he is guarding the freed prisoners back in the lower levels.

After the previous game Hwyll's experience allowed him to gain a level. As a result he gained +10 Recruitment Points. I don't believe he can recruit new or better followers mid-mission but an extra 10RP can turn a 2 spell conjurer into a 3 spell conjurer. So I did this and I will make it permanent. So, from now the cost of Osimund is 30RP (it's like he's gone up a level too.)
The game begins with three heroes deployed on the table 1" from a trapdoor. The spell Smoke, blocks Line of Sight (LOS) and will prevent the archers from shooting. To explain this illogical sequence I chose to write is as though Osimund casts his Smoke spell before the heroes open the trapdoor and enter the rooftop...

As Osimund's dragon-mist rose through the trapdoor he, Hwyll and Malaka stepped onto the flat roof of the tower. Hwyll cast a spell to enchant his blade (Enchanted Steel) and Malaka sprinkled some magical Fairy Dust onto the tip of his spear causing it to glow with a faint blue fire.
As preparations continued for the lighting of the beacon an orc guard was sent to investigate the mysterious smoke that seemed to appear from nowhere. (Surprisingly, all of the random movement for the archers would have had them walking off the edge of the tower. I decided to add an extra orc warrior - One walked away & the other moved towards the smoke - Serendipity I suppose).
Catching the hazy movement of the guard through the thick mist, Malaka charged out with his two-handed spear leveled. In a brief clash the orc was wounded but kept up the fight. Osimund moved with a new authority to the right, from where he could see an orc archer turning towards the sound of fighting.
With a commanding word, a bolt of power leaped forth from the conjurer's staff and struck the orc with a mighty force hurling it over the edge of the parapet where it was dead even before it hit the ground.  (He rolled 19 with a +5).
With his now enchanted blade in his hand the elfin ranger dashed towards the ghostly apparition ~ a Shadow Knight ~ that floated above the stones of the tower roof. (Hwyll has the Heroic Ability - Dash - Enabling him to move a total of 12" for the turn. He didn't quite make it but the monster had to lock onto him because he made it to within 1").
In a flash the insubstantial creature spun to face the hero and, holding aloft it's staff of unearthly green flame, flicked out it's ethereal blade with accuracy and strength. Only the enchantment on Hwyll blade caught the flickering spirit-steel of the shadow-knight's blade. He turned the attack aside and retreated from this unexpectedly ferocious attack. 
(What happened is that they both rolled high - Hwyll got +3 and the shadow knight got +4. Any damage would have seen Hwyll almost killed with a single blow but... Another of his Heroic Abilities is Parry ~ So he used this to win the fight. Caused no damage but also allowed him to step back.)
 Now an orc guard rushed in to the attack but the elf turned it's blade inflicted a light wound and put further distance between himself & his adversaries.
At the trapdoor, Vlaka, Mouni and Gawne emerged from the mist on to the tower top. Vlaka immediately went to the aid of Malaka who was now getting the worst in his fight with the orc guard. Drawing his dagger the rogue looked for an opening in the orc's defense. He struck but his blow was easily deflected by the creatures shield. (Both rolled low. Vlaka lost but received no damage.)
Mouni, seeing the unearthly glow of the shadow knight's flaming staff ran fast to the other side of the beacon pyre, whilst Gawne stepped onto the unsafe perimeter walkway. An orc archer stood looking for a target and as it leveled a dart at the young archer, he quickly nocked his own arrow, bent his bow and sent the missile straight into the orcs eye. (20! Critical Hit)
In the far distance a sickly green flame leaped to the sky. The beacon tower of Tor Dargos had been lit. A baleful wave of malice swept over the land from the tower. Every hero felt it sweep through them though only for a second. Only Vlaka, stood mute for a long moment jaws agape and glassy eyed until a shout from Malaka brought him back to the here and now. (TN 10 - Will Roll - Vlaka rolled 9 and only his +1 Will brought him up to 10. All the rest passed easily.

Mouni now raised her newly acquired staff and strode toward the shadow knight - Osimund had assured her it could harness the power of the elements and unleash great destructive force (Staff of Elemental Strike). 
With a northern war cry the brave tracker struck the ethereal knight. It was a clumsy blow but it got past the creatures guard. A bolt of energy passed through the staff's length and burst into the darkness sending the shadow knight reeling back. 
The orc guard was shocked at the sight of it's master being bested by a war-crazed maiden wielding bright, flashing magic & Hwyll's blde found an easy opening (20! Critical Hit!) to send it to the underworld. 

Second's later the elf staggered as a thudding pain pierced his side. A hidden guard had stepped from behind a pillar and sent a black feathered arrow into the unsuspecting ranger (11 Damage! Ouch).
Seeing his foe worsted the shadow knight floated above the stricken elf with it's ghost blade held high for the killing stroke. But it's blow was turned aside and a quick flick the ranger thrust his enchanted blade into the apparition where a heart should have sat. With a mournful cry the evil ghost vanished as if it had never existed. (Hwyll rolled another very much unexpected but welcome 20 - Critical hit!)
The only foe that remained was the orc archer which dodged and ducked several arrows sent towards it from both Gawne and Mouni and shooting back when it could. Hwyll removed the orcish shaft and cast a healing spell on himself.
However from behind the dragon mist which had been so useful in concealing the companions, a figure emerged. Pale green flame heralded it's appearance as it stepped from the darkness. Another shadow knight had emerged...

(I had considered from the start that one shadow knight might not be enough of a threat so I decided that if the scenario moved too quickly I would randomly roll & place a second SK - either behind one of the pillars or on the pyre itself).
Unaware of the danger, Osimund peers into the darkness. Only at the last moment does he turn to face the creeping specter raising his staff to defend himself. 
Turning at the last moment Osimund perceives his danger and raises his staf to protect himself. From the other side of the pyre Hwyll moves and, putting arrow to bowstring, lets fly a dart which tears through the phantom, distracting it from it's intended prey. Still it lunges at the mage who, weather due to his arcane knowledge or other magical skills manages to defeat the apparition pushing it back with an eerie cry of frustration.
The guardsman Malaka, now that his own opponent is slain, turned to aid the mage. He saw his spear, enchanted by the so-called Fairy Dust, pass through the apparition tearing off a small part of it's being and seeming to cause it pain. He didn't understand any of this magic but his attack was effective. (Low dice rolls and a minor wound.)
In the distance a second beacon was lit and a green flame erupted from the direction of Tor Hammel. This time a wave of despair and melancholy swept over the land. The companions weathered this spiritual assault but Mouni, the tracker of the north, was visibly shaken (TN12 Will Roll - All except Mouni passed and suffered -2 Fight for the rest of the game).

Both Hwyll & Mouni raced in to the melee but were too late to do anything. The ghostly knight fended off all blows but it sensed weakness and sent it's blade darting toward Mouni. The ranger parried the blow and thrust forward with her staff. Again a mighty bolt of elemental power ran down it's length and the shadow knight vanished in a sickening blast of greenish flame.
The tower was now empty of foes. The companions were wounded in body and spirit but they had prevented the lighting of the beacon and saved the prisoner bound to it's summit and Tor Varden was once again in the possession of the kingdom.
Back on the ground the companions rest, eat and scout the towers' close environs. They find a fissure in the earth with a long, steep stairway winding down. Their mission is complete but this is the first time a way into the Shadow Deep has been found. They must go down and make a reconnaissance of the realm threat threatens the very existence of all that stands before it.


This was a dangerous one. I think my strategy was good. The use of the smoke spell worked but, as I mentioned above I had to word it so that the actual game mechanics made sense in the narrative. It allowed the main fighters to prep their weapons without being shot to pieces by the archers. 

Hwyll could have died if it wasn't for his Parry heroic ability. If he'd taken the blow from the shadow knight and then the arrow he would have been done for. I actually used all of his Heroic Abilities in this game: Dash to get to the shadow knight - Parry to save himself & Focus to ensure he passed the second TN roll for the beacon being lit (as long as I didn't roll a 1). 

As for the "Very Unexpected 2nd critical hit." Hwyll could have survived because he still has his Blocking Weapon (1) - This can totally block any attack/damage once. After that one time it's just a sword. So he could have survived.

Osimund with 3 spells is much better, even though he didn't get to cast his final spell. But the spell was there just in case (Burning Light).

Hwyll is 7XP short of being able to gain a level. That's a shame because I feel that the party are going to need all the help they can get for the next mission.

Mouni, Osimund and Vlaka all have 10 Progression Points  so they all gain +1 Health.

Malaka - He's going to get his promotion - "As a carrier of the Sliver Star of Alledore and by order of King Arethic II I hereby promote Malaka to the rank of Captain of the Guard" (Man at Arms).

Malaka started as an footslogger and a bit of expendable muscle for the group but has become an essential member with plenty of memorable brave feats. Because of this he started with a basic guardsman figure. But I have a more heroic figure in the same basic uniform. Rules wise, a Man at Arms and a Guardsman have the same stats. The difference being that the guardsman has a two-handed weapon (+2 damage) and the MAA has better armour (12). They both cost the same (20RP). So basically, Malaka will lay down his spear and take up a sword and a groovy new shield.

Congratulations, Captain Malaka

The terrain for this game was easy to make. It might look complex but most of it is printed card-stock and a single vinyl floor tile. The exceptions are the trapdoor and the pyre. The trapdoor took about an hour to make from cardboard, coffee stirrers and cork with some paint slapped on it. The pyre took a bit more effort. It's made from coffee stirrers, balsa wood and a few resin gambions that have been sitting on my desk for a few years. This piece took a couple of hour to put together but it's pretty simple and not a solid as it appears.

Also, the whole thing is sitting on top of the dungeon walls that I made for the previous scenario just to give everything the illusion of height.


  1. Great looking set-up, and fun write-up, thanks!

    1. Thanks Joe5. I really enjoy the game and doing the writ ups. It's keeping me sane these days.

  2. Enthralling write up as always. Lovely minis and gorgeous scenery.

    I've been sharing you write-ups to a wargaming FB group I run so I think there are a few followers of Hwyll. :D

    Keep up the fun work mate! :D

    1. Thanks again London and thanks for sharing the blog. I really enjoy doing these write ups. So the more readers, the better.

  3. Well if you want to join in our silliness it's Miniature Mumblings. There's a couple getting into it (or wanting to) so I'm sure there'll be ppl wanting to pick your brain on the game (me included). lol
